Welcome to the Official

Tichenor Families in America



Martin Tichenor took the Oath of Allegiance at New Haven Colony August 1644. This is the first known record of him and the historic inauguration of the Tichenor name to the shores of the New World. The links and information that follow are a short history of the Tichenor Families in America. This website is inspired by the exhaustive work of the same name published in 1988 by Harold Allen Tichenor. You will find information on obtaining this intriguing and compelling look into more than 10 generations of an American family below. If you would like information about purchasing the "Tichenor Families in America" genealogy, a 740 page hardcover book that traces the Tichenor line back to the 1600's, contact the Webmaster by clicking the quill pen below.

The hardbound edition of Tichenor Families in America is no longer available. A CD-ROM version of the work in .pdf format is now available and can be obtained by contacting the email link at the bottom of this page

We regret that Harold Allen Tichenor passed away on September 13, 2005. His legacy lives on in everyone who finds his life work compelling, useful and appreciated. He is sorely missed by his family, friends and community.


 Click the links below for information about the origin of the Tichenor name, the Daniel Tichenor Cemetery, sources where you can locate the "Tichenor Families in America" genealogy and links to other websites of interest regarding the heritage of the Tichenor's in America.


Enjoy your visit and contact us if you have information or want more information relating to the Tichenor Family in America, we are always interested in updating or adding information to our website.

Click here to visit the Tichenor Families in America Discussion Forum to read and/or post information and inquiries regarding our family in America.

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